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5 Benefits Of Strength Training.

Updated: Jun 22, 2020

# 1 - Improves Strength & Physical Function

The most obvious benefit of strength training is that over a prolonged period of time you will become stronger and be able to lift heavier weights. The more overlooked aspect of strength training is its application to life at home. By increasing your strength you will find simple household jobs a whole lot easier. Not to mention, if you have any young children which you still carry you will find this much easier and be able to hold them without hurting yourself.

# 2 - Maintains/Increases Muscle Mass

Muscle mass works on a use it or lose it basis. Complimented with an adequate daily calorie and protein intake, strength training is the necessary training stimulus to encourage muscle growth (hypertrophy). However, if you become injured or neglect this method of training then muscle wastage will occur (atrophy).

It is worth knowing that the ageing process also effects the amount of muscle mass an individual is able to grow and maintain. This is normally due to a reduction in 'Growth Hormone' created by the body.

Perform strength training a minimum of 2-3 times per week as part of your exercise programme and that should be sufficient to maintain muscle.

# 3 - Improves Body Composition (Fat Loss)

Strength training is a key component in weight/fat loss and body recomposition. As previously mentioned, strength training is the non-negotiable method of training to increase and maintain muscle mass. Increased amounts of muscle on the body equates to more calories expended as a result through 'Resting Metabolic Rate', movement and function. In principle, this encourages a calorie deficit to be created which is fundamental for weight/fat loss to occur.

# 4 - Improves Bone Health

Strength training also plays an important role in maintaining healthy bones, tendons and ligaments. This may not be as important in younger population cases unless the individual is classified as obese (BMI - 30+). However, those amongst an ageing population become more susceptible to 'Osteoporosis/Osteopenia' and 'Arthritis'.

Osteoporosis is the weakening of bone due to a decrease in strength and density, which means they are more prone to injuries such as breaks and fractures. Strength training is the most supported method of training to increase bone density and further offset the effects of these diseases.

# 5 - Reduces The Risk Of Injury

Controversially, many individuals think that performing strength training may increase the chances of injury due to the lifting of weights. However, if the strength-based exercises are performed with; correct form/technique, an appropriate weight for the individual and a suitable tempo (speed of movement) then the training will offer an opposite effect.

As covered earlier, muscle mass and bone density will both increase as a result of the training which means your body will become more durable and resilient to injuries, aches and pains. Strength training can also improve both your coordination and balance if relevant exercise are prescribed in the training programme. The use of single-limb (Unilateral) movements with weight such as a 'Single Leg Romanian Deadlift' can enhance both of these aspects of training, meaning you are less likely to fall or pick up other related injuries. This is particularly important again for those of an ageing population who may start to lose control of certain body movements.

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